Bariatric Surgery For Improved Health
Bariatric surgery, also known as metabolic surgery, was originally surgery for weight loss. However, over the last few decades, it is clear there are many additional benefits of bariatric surgery for improved health. Bariatric surgery has major health benefits for obese patients that supersede weight reduction alone.
Bariatric surgery procedures mainly help with the resolution or prevention of comorbidities (illnesses related to being overweight), as shown in the examples below:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
- High Blood Pressure
- Infertility associated with Obesity (in men and women)
- High Cholesterol
- Poly-Cycstic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Risk of Heart Attack
- Risk of Stroke.
These procedures can also reduce the risks of certain Cancers later in life, especially Breast, Ovarian, Uterine and Stomach Cancers.
Bariatric surgery, often called Weight Loss Surgery, should not be thought of as an easy option, and only considered once other non-surgical methods of weight loss have been attempted.
Bariatric surgery yields the best results when part of a multi-disciplinary therapy, where the surgery is just one part of the holistic approach, in conjunction with psychological and dietary guidance and coaching, and the support of family and friends.
We invite you to explore our services for bariatric surgery
NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence) guidance states that patients with a BMI of 35 or more with an associated comorbidity (e.g. high blood pressure or OSA), qualify for surgery. If patients have a BMI of 40 or more then they qualify as well.
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, qualify for bariatric surgery with a BMI of 30 or more. Patients from Asia qualify for bariatric surgery at a BMI of 2.5 less than non Asians, due to their increased risks of harm from being overweight and the associated co-morbidities.

To get the best results from weight loss surgery, it is important for patients to engage with our whole team prior to, during and after surgery. Close follow up is needed to ensure you are healthy, fit and lean, as well as lighter.
Depending on which weight loss surgery you choose, you may need vitamin supplementation for life. Our aftercare package offers regular blood tests during the first 2-years after your surgery.
Monitoring your blood to see if micronutrients are within their normal range is an important part of post-surgical support. Our bariatric dietitians and your surgeon will stay engaged with you, to ensure vitamin or mineral deficiencies are avoided, which can be detrimental to your health.
Psychological coaching, therapy and support can be important and helpful, especially as you transition back into social eating, and adjust to living in a smaller body.
Throughout your weight loss journey with us, our Patient Concierge Team will be just a phone call, message or email away, to answer any questions, provide guidance and offer support.
We hope many of your questions about weight loss surgery are answered on our website. Please book a free consultation with our Patient Concierge Team, who can provide you with more information, and get you booked in to see a surgeon for a Metabolic Assessment.
We look forward to meeting you, and exploring how the many benefits of bariatric surgery for improved health can transform your life.